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It's time...

... for infinite possibilities! THE OPC recognizes that anything is possible and that is what makes reality so terrifying but it is also what makes it so exciting.

There is a vacuum as people realize that religion is not giving them what they are looking for, what they need - authenticity and acceptance. 

Our mission: 

  • Help people discover divinity and how it is accessible to all

  • Build Sanctuaries - oasis' for spirituality, healing and learning

  • Support the process of education - that which leads to wisdom

  • Build community - helping people connect over similarities and differences alike

  • Support the concept of unconditional love  

Explore our website or better yet, join the community, there's no wrong way - it can be as simple as joining in the conversation or as big as becoming a member of THE OPC institution.


Membership can be your primary religion or supplementary to whatever you practice and believe. How does this work? Well, we believe that divinity cannot be defined within the limits of the human mind but we respect all aspects that have been attributed to divinity, the Jewish, the Christian and the Muslim to name a few. We also embrace a lot of naturalistic principles, ones that resemble Wiccan and Buddhist practices.


Ultimately, through the daily practice of the philosophy of Zero, people discover who they really are and how to honor their individual path.    

Seekers of Truth
Founder, Pastor = Saigim

Saigim Wylder's life has been dedicated to discovering what it means to be alive. The journey has not always been easy but it has been profound, educational, and mystical which led her to founding the Orthodox Paradox Church and Community.


Nick said yes to waking up. He used to battle debilitating anxiety and now works to help people face their own demons. He has both strong femaninie and masculine traits and is a great equality advocate for all with Pagan roots in spirituality.


Lana honors her path by promoting social justice and learning how to authentically live her truth. She struggles with severe depression and anxiety but has not let that destroy her multifaceted, colorful self. 

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