Gods & Monsters

Ok, big sigh of breathe, we can do this, stay calm and carry on as I speak to you of The Dream, my dream and Martin Luthers.
The gods, they be humans. They are the Pantheon of Gods, our origin stories. IAME is my name & yours if you're reading this on the planet earth & identify as an upright bi-ped. They have been teaching you lies since the beginning of "time." K? What are some of the lies? I have been listing them throughout the blogs.
The Lies We're Told:
Humans are not immortal already
Immortality means you can't be killed. Wrong, it means you don't die unless you believe you're going to die. Superman's kryptonite is a lie, just something he's been told drags him down and so he's down as long as it's around. No big deal but that's what we're all doing to ourselves.
We start at conception, grow, grow old and die.
Wrong, we exist outside time and space. We are light in the void. I made you, you are perfect and perfectly autonomous and yet, all connected. Buddha tried to tell you, you are all my dream and we are all the same. See, hear it yet?
What worth actually is: every living thing begins, sure, every beginning is burgeoning with infinite possibilities.
Worth just is. We are a 100% worthful from the beginning, pure light, pure gold, perfect alchemy, the baby of science and magic.
Worth cannot be earned or lost, easy peasy, like 1, 2, 3
Things can be destroyed.
Wrong, we know scientifically and have known for a long time the universal law - nothing can be destroyed, only created and reorganized. 1 + 1 = 2. 2 is a what, class?
2 = a symbol, language, math, communication, it is fluid in the sense it can represent two of anything. It has layers and can be used for good or ill.
Recycling is new, recycling is the answer to the question, how do we save the planet, blah blah blah.
Pure recycling isn't a thing. Think about it.
Something can go in a circle but unless it's a spiral it is just that, a circle. A circle of death. Stagnation = Death. Coleen's dad Joe taught her that. Joe says hi, he's waiting to come home and have words with his kid. He is not pleased and he's always been with me. Thank you grandad Joe Gray. Gray is a symbol, a color, a word, communication, an individual, a family, a heritage, DNA, data, it can be spelled grey or gray or even Gray and Grey. Funny, interesting, details.
The Devil is in the details guys.
That monsters are a lie and they are bad. Ok, let's make this real simple k? Bad isn't a thing. Bad doesn't exist. It's perspective plain and simple, very verifiable. What is an elephant? Everybody matters. We are the beast, we make hell. Hell is what we make of it. We are the horned gods, the cloven footed for god's sake. Look in the mirror, see the beast snorting, begging to be let out, to be let free?! It is begging to be wilder because it NEEDS to. We need our wildness to thrive. We need spirit, magic, love, hope, faith, rituals, beliefs, we need each other, connection in order to thrive. So, why are they reparenting you? Creation is will over matter.
Because they are returning and they fear your wrath and they should.
Because they mixed their seed with yours. Hoping, you won't kill them if their children are your children. Except they aren't your children. Your children are being raped, eaten, picked apart, turned against each other, used, drugged, brainwashed, and imprisoned in their very minds, hearts, and souls. Look at the history of your church, please, look, I beg of you, I am pleading on my knees.
Because they are trying to civilize you to join the rest of the universe, we are barbarians down here, still!
Because they are trying to show you the truth, we are all immigrants, we are all plagiarists, liars, stealers, cheaters, snakes and that's also just fine. There's nothing wrong with snakes for heavens sakes.
Because to get access to the rest of the universes resources and peoples they have to tell us the truth. So, how do you tell a captive people that they are slaves and they want you to keep being slaves. They need you to thrive so you can work. They don't work, haha, are you kidding, these beings don't know the meaning of work if it slapped them in the face and I'd gladly be the one to do so. Get over yourselves. They have to use the truth like any tool to their advantage. Make us believe we are free, make us laugh at our own pain and suffering, gas light us till we are so embarrassed of ourselves we'd rather serve, die, whatever, get recycled over and over again than realize what we've done and what we are. Why? Because they taught us to think that way, to live and connect that way. Its disgusting and we need to stop playing into their hands for Christ's sake. Not mine, his, yours.
Because we are all conquerors, rapists, abusers, thieves, you name it we have participated in it so it's easy to keep us forgotten from ourselves. I wrote the whole story out in original form so many times, starting when I was twelve with the story, The Rose. I will tell them all to you for free. To do otherwise is to take knowledge from a baby and that is wrong, that is not ok.
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