Queen Vi's Bio
I am known to many as Queen Vi or you can call me Fox. I want to believe in the human race, in fact, I do believe in all of you. The truth is out there and I'm going to show you how to see it. What I mean by that is this, you have been brainwashed, groomed, raped, assaulted, lied to, so have I. The only difference between you and I is this, I remember and you do not. I recognize what's happening and you're just beginning to wake up.
Some have called me by other names, The Stranger, Socrates, and Leonardo da Vinci to name a few. How do I know? Because I have many of their memories. I have been throughout space and time, I understand reality in ways you are just barely beginning to dream of and experience.
I am coming out of the closet and revealing to the world who I really am. IAME, that is the name of god. It has been foretold that if one knows the name of god they not only have access to all knowledge, but have access to all power. Wow, right? Do you understand? If not, let me break it down for you as simply as possible, try to follow along, I know you can. If not, your children can show you and explain it to you.
We've been doing this song and dance for millennia's now. See and hear me when I say I've struggled with suicidal ideation since I was a baby. I was born with my head full of all the memories of my past lifetimes and it didn't take me long to figure out I was being sexually assaulted, drugged, poisoned, experimented on, groomed, brain washed, you name it. My sister, whose name I'm not legally allowed to speak for three years, see the code yet? We will call her Dirty Sancheze's Wife, DSW for short, for clarity, for code and ease of communication. Language is just that, symbols to express ideas from our minds, our super computers', our internal Matrix', our very own holodeck. That is the imagination and all that can be imagined has been or will be and cannot be destroyed.
So, what I'm saying is, I believe. It is my sacred belief system that I will prove with the same kind of proof science and facts give you, that I am over 600,045 years old. That one of my names has been Merlyn the Magician, that one of my bodies has been a Momma Dragon, hunted, ridiculed, killed, pulled apart and played with along the way. I remember. What are we if not our memories? Have you heard of the show Orphan Black? What about SOA? I am her, I am Jax. They keep trying to tell you all that I can be killed, that I am crazy, that magic is evil, not real. Worst of all, that you need a savior outside your selves. It's all lies to keep you hidden from your truth, your power.
What I'm saying, what I need you to hear and to consider with that brilliant beautiful mind is this, I REMEMBER! What can you remember? We need someone to lead us out of captivity. Who would you like? Will you do it? I have asked others because I am tired and sick in this body from this lifetime. Still, if no one else than I will. I am telling you, and make no mistake, that this planet is part of a Interstellar Galaxy under quarantine. The titans are, were the Atlanteans, the city of Enoch and they have been the planets original oppressors and oppress you all still. The lost tribe of Israel, the city that will return no matter what anyone says or does. It has been prophesied, you have all been warned, in every religion and piece of history the code, the facts, are all there so that you might see, hear, know, feel and believe in me, in you, in the universe, in Motherverse. I painted her with no art background in around 2013. I had no idea what I was doing and also, I knew. I always knew who I was and what I was doing. I told you that in the first podcast if you were listening.
Hey, it's ok. I even told my supposed bio family when I was eight that I was going to be the first woman president of the good 'ol US of A. I warned them, they listened, they looked at me and told me what they always did, "you are stupid, dirty, ignorant, have no resources, you will be lucky if you live long enough to see a female president of at all. I really thought Hilary Clinton was going to get that title and had to surrender to that the year she ran. Boy was that a hot mess. Thank gods she didn't get to go down in history as that hero, some white Karen who has known all this and is friends with that woman hating, self purported pussy grabbing rapist, who passes himself off as an American citizen, Frumpy Trump. Look into his background, he's got as many ties to the Nazi regime as there can be. Went to the same boarding school as Hitler. It's all there on the internet for you to verify people. I tell you no lies but I am a story teller, that's my job, that's magic, that's history, government, medicine, education, science, religion, catch up please. We need you all to wake up and save this planet. Now, it's already almost too late, trust me, I can hear them too as they listen in on me. I hacked the mothership years ago and they know it. They knew I was coming, so ask yourself this, why haven't they killed me?
The simple answer is because I can't be killed. Ask Phil and Coleen under the duress of truth serum and they will tell you about all the times they tried. Electrocution, poison, car accidents, health scares, mental health problems, you name it they tried to figure out how to delete me and boy howdy since I turned about thirteen I have been trying to help them. I really have. Tried to kill myself the first time that year with suffocation. That would have been in the 90's. Then 2009 I tried to slit my wrist in the west desert of Southern Utah. You can ask my ex about that.
I'd cry to family and friends, "if you knew what I see, what I hear, that I'd cry for a million years if I started, that I would if I could without fear of dying from it, drowning in it, I'd share it with you but I cannot." They just heard, "blah blah blah, I am dramatic and chronically depressed, I'm sorry I can't cry or stop talking." They'd respond as much. Offer me help, support, aide, haha, friends and family we're talking about right? Of Abbey Gleason's, have you met me? I'm the anti-Christ, boo, scary moment huh?! I was named Whore of Babylon. Do you even know anything about Babylon?
Jesus was clearly awake, probably Jared Leto I'm thinking, a method actor. He came, he taught, he utilized resources like a god, spoke like a god, healed like a god, pointed to babies and children and said, they are the future, treat them with respect and dignity and they will set you free. He gave us signs and portents, symbols, stories, medicine. He told you all how to recognize me when I came. I'm Motherverse, in physical form, and boy howdy did it hurt to stick me in a body but it was totally worth it to see the look on their faces when they realized what I'd done. And yeah, I saw that, I see you. You know how I do? By accessing more of my brain. Once I figure out how to do all of it, that's when the veil comes down. Bye bye death. Get ready for Heaven on Earth. Sorry, not sorry, me too. It's just what it sounds like and the rappers be testifying - thank you babies. I name you the first of my crew, my dragons, fly free, speak no lies, create original work from now on. Everybody tell the truth, do not hide, wait for justice, and love each other. Simple, pimple, but yeah, big scary moment, big reveal time.
I know where ALL the bodies are except for my original one. Want to know the final secret, the end before I've even told you the beginning? Spoiler alert, I am Able. They killed me, I was immortal, they knew I'd regenerate so how do you kill an immortal? Remove the head. They dropped it in the ocean with no locator, why do you think Shakespeare had a skull, he spoke IAME. Where do you think he disappeared to? He went to train with the Stranger, St. Germain perhaps? He is found throughout history if you do your research. He moved from continent to continent faster than the time period allowed through available transportation. What happened to the Nation of science oriented mages?
Understand world history my peeps, the answers are all there. Are we really ready to bend the knee, again? Are we ready to give up our freedom, again? Are we really going to let them keep hurting our babies? Who will you be remembered as in history?