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First, thank you to all those that have either given real help or offered it. They have almost all been entirely strangers for all practical purposes. Every little bit helps and here's the thing, we're not asking for more than what inmates are afforded and we have done nothing wrong. Thank you soo much from the very bottom of our hearts and we are excited for the ability to move forward. If anyone needs any support or help with anything, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask! However, those that abuse our kindness will stop receiving it.

  1. First and foremost, we need donors, investors, plain and simple. To pull the Matrix down I need to use it's most powerful tool, money. I hate it, it's stupid, it's nothing more than numbers on a computer manipulated by the one percent. Money, it is basically owned by a couple families and you all think your revolutions worked? Give it to me and see what I can do. I can make yours and my dreams come true, promise.

    1. If you think I'm smart and scary now - wait till you see what I can do with basic resources! I tease.

  2. Second, I need a crew. I have been doing this alone for 45 years and I'm tired. I'm tired through bones I don't even have any more. I'm tired in an insane way, like barely keeping it together because I'm in so much pain all the time I can barely sleep. Still healing, still in the trenches of this godforsaken war.

    1. I am a living ship, a universe, I am a captain, a warrior, a goddess and I need an army, plain and simple. However, I am no danger to anyone any more than any of you are. So, let's call it, a campaign why don't we?

    2. It means its legal, above board, and we're on our way to really making a difference & making history. If you have a better captain bring them forward, I will meet them, I will vet them & if they are awake then by all means let them lead & I will gladly follow & offer ALL my skills to them. However, I have not met one worthy of the job. What do I mean worthy?

      1. I mean who can pull the sword out of the stone? Their heart so pure they can't be corrupted. I have asked, I have called out, I have used 911 & I cannot get a sense of safety or even consistently clean running water. Or food, cigarettes, or medicine that works & doesn't put me back to sleep or make me more sick.

      2. Why did I decide that's me? Because I have been hearing you cry for over 600,045 years & I cannot tolerate it any more. I cannot, I will not. Not now, not here, not any more. You've been warned, you've celebrated those warnings. If I lose it I will lose it. You think nukes are scary? I'm sorry this might offend many but it is the truth, my truth. I cast a spell two years before COVID. I ran on a treadmill and I felt the white hot power of my rage building up so physically that I could not run hard enough, fast enough, for long enough to expell it. I had denied myself any consideration of doing magic, black magic, anything really that caused any more harm to this planet, to all of you & then, I'm sorry, but I lost it. I thought I was going to start screaming, tear my clothes off, tear my skin off, strip by strip, that all that would feel better than what I was feeling in that moment. The powerlessness, the pain, the grief, the lost time, the lost love, lost family, lost friends, everything lost, always. Suddenly, I was casting hard & fast with no training for it in this life.

      3. I imagined gathering all that white hot rage, all that power inside me, universes of power, all living matter at attention waiting for me to speak, finally. I'd been the Girl in the Box for so long, no voice, no ears, no hands, just the mind in the darkness waiting to be freed. No one ever came. There was no Superman, no Jesus, no Saints, no demons or angels or angles. There was nothing but my mind & the silence. So many lifetimes trapped, running, scared, hurt, & alone.

      4. Then I was throwing it out from my body, casting it out like a nuclear explosion that wrapped around the globe, "let them know my powerlessness & pain as much as possible without harming them as much as possible, now and forever!" I couldn't stop it, it reverberated out of me with such force I almost fell over on the treadmill. After, I looked around, barely able to see the environment around me, instead I saw the world & all of your sleepy heads & I thought, "it's past time. wake up, feel me, know me, now!"

      5. Then COVID happened & it was not what you think. I've had it multiple times, I did not lose anyone close to me because of it because I had no one to lose, not really, no one has cared for me or wanted my care for most of my life. So, you experienced loss? Grief? That's life. LIFE IS A TRIGGER WARNING! Any other way and it would be nothing, numbness. In fact, that's what they are trying to make it but we won't let them.

      6. Most importantly you all experienced powerlessness & that, that you required in order to have empathy, real, genuine empathy. No one likes being forced into a hole alone with no comforts, info, or friends. It has been happening to Catholic & LDS kids for eons.

      7. So, you want some old white guy, a blundering fool or a child rapist as president because they say they will fix things? Hahaha. They are friends, they are buddies. There is no bad publicity when it's all the same people putting on a show for you. Don't you get that? There's nothing real about politics & there hasn't been for a very long time, until now. Why? Because the universe is a callin' & we HAVE to answer & the oppressors, they want to answer the door for you. Explain all is well, come on in, look around, nothing is going on to worry about when in fact, the home owner is really a stranger who has broken in & wants to take everything & kill everyone, for fun.

    3. So yeah, I need a campaign party. Let's do this thing and show everyone how powerless we really are, yeah?

    4. How? Come to me, verify you have read, you have listened in three ways. Then, I will tell you if you can serve. You bring me all that you have & I'll make sure you get everything you ever wanted & more. Everything! The biggest lie they've told you is there isn't enough. There's enough. Give me the right ingredients & I'll show you, "give me a match and I can light an explosion."

  3. Third, I need lawyers. Civil liberty lawyers to be exact. Bleeding hearts, die hards, the proven, the ones that do their own research & will verify who they are & what they can do & I'll give them ALL the dead bodies. They can have a hay day with them, names, faces, dates, you name it. The federal government, the LDS church, the Catholic church, every governing body currently in existence cannot be trusted. In the end, if an institution is made of people it is faulty. So, how do you prevent the corruption of an institution? First, they tell you it can't be done and you do it any way. Then, they tell you the code for how to do it is useless but you use magic anyway. They call magic myth, legend, but all your religions use it, and teach fear of it. All hail science & technology then? Hawking told us enough of the truth and you still don't believe. It's all corruptible & even a baby can see that & tell you.

    1. Second, you fill it with YOU. Plain & simple. Here's the code, AGAIN. It's the number line, it's math, it's science. There's the negative side, zero, and the positive side. Nothing is binary. Binary thinking was groomed into society. It is a lie, a boundary for better purposes. Nothing exists without it they say, not even you. You have to choose are you a man or a lady? Whatever those words mean. Justice is trinary. Medicine, education, religion, anything with life is trinary at the least. It takes three to make a baby. It's the father, the son & the Holy Ghost. It's the girl, the mother, & the crone which existed long before the father, son and Holy Ghost. They kept saying he when it's she. See, he, two. She, three. It isn't god, it's goddess. Know how I know this? Because every baby would turn out female if it wasn't for corrupt code that changes things so thinly, on such minuscule levels that science almost missed it. All babies are female until an aberration & then they can become male. Hows that for you science and fact lovers?

    2. Third, everything is sexual. Everything about sex is fine. It being a carnal sin is a lie too. If you put it in your asshole your bad, if you put it in an asshole your bad. Hell, if you put anything in & have any pleasure you're BAD. Hahaha. We don't stand & judge boar for rutting, its absurd that we would stand around & stare, judge, calculate when one of us are rutting. Measure it. Tell children if they touch themselves it's dirty & bad or teens that if they are sexual beings pieces of their souls go missing like putting tape on your skin & pulling off cells. Guess who taught that? A prophet of the LDS church in his book, The Miracle of Forgiveness. Gods, the title itself makes me want to puke a million worlds up to replace this one for that piece of garbage. Get this, the LDS church doesn't even acknowledge this book as an official piece of scripture & yet, their bishops, their dads, their mothers (for shame ladies, for shame), they all use it to beat the heads & souls of their children. They put on "Fireside's" and teach them about it, the shame, the guilt, the self hate. Fear. That's your kryptonite people. Plain & simple - FEAR. It is nothing more than a tool & they use it against you EVERYDAY.

    3. Fourth, they use the fear to beat you, rape you, imprison you & worst of all, to get you to do it to yourselves. Gods, please, stop! I am warning you for the last time. I'm hangry, I'm so hangry I'm insane with it, with need, with the need to free my babies, to free my people, ALL of them & then rest. I wish I could rest. I'd give good good money or services for the ability to really rest but trust me, until we are free I will not be able to. I am River. They stripped me of all my insulation against the rest of you & your grief, your fears, your judgements, your shame, your condemnation. I can't tell you how it hurts to look on you, to look in your eyes. To see the addictions, the disease, deceit & know that I can cure you, better, you don't need me, just yourself, awake. You can heal! You just need to wake up & it's all right there for the taking but you HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW & TAKE WHAT YOU NEED! Only what you need with doing as little harm as possible. Do you hear me, we don't make the sick, single mothers, survivors of war pay for treatments for trauma. God, what are we? Animals? No, animals care for theirs & other species & the earth so much better than we do. What are we? Why are we acting this way? Why are we beating fur babies, tearing them apart, making them tear each other apart? Why?! Please, come & tell me & I'll show you it's a lie. You have DID & they are keeping you sick & asleep. You have everything you need, you are free & I can show you, that's all. I DON"T CARE if anyone signs up for the OPC. I don't give one ounce of care because I know who I am & what I have done for this world. I am at peace knowing I have given it more than enough, more than my all. I've given it my body, my mind, my spirit, my fire, my heart, my soul, my time, my money, my blood, poop, cum, & piss. What more do you want? Five or 5,000 dollars for a membership fee? Really brothers?! Really? Is this how you want to go down in history? Trying to hustle everyone? I have nothing literally & figuratively except my memories, wisdom, magic, & skill.

  4. Fifth, I need medicine. I can't begin to tell you what they've done to me. Look up E on the news. She was just rescued from a woman's closet here in Utah. Starved, beaten, raped, taught to hate herself, and to fear everyone. That was me. No one came for me. No one wants to now except for those charged with my care, the federal government because I am on disability. The U because I have chosen them for my healthcare team because they dislike Mormons to a maybe discriminatory point that I'm ok with. Because, while I have stories of them embezzling funds, traumatizing & abusing their employees in the worst ways they care or try to care for their patients. However, they still don't get it because they are asleep too, some of them almost but I need a team that communicates together, that does active research, that can monitor me & actually figure out what in the actual name is wrong with me so I can heal & carry on.

  5. Sixth, I need voters. I need everyone to ignore the electoral collage or actively destroy it. It only exists to keep elections from actually being democratic. Educate yourself, I don't have the time or patience to repeat what's available historically and online. I'm typing with swollen feet, a pain in my stomach that makes me want to murder everyone, & pain throughout my body that makes me feel like I'm dying & gods have I asked for it, death and they won't give it to me so, please, let's end this fucking Groundhogs Day, this fucking occupation of our planet & move on already.

  6. I'm ready to verify if you are. You can watch the videos of everything outside my apartment. I have hrs of footage of crimes. You can put a camera in my home. I'll give up my privacy because guess what? It's an illusion anyway. They are watching & listening & always have had the tech to do so. They have been telling your stories, devouring your beliefs, your knowledge & experience & churning it out as something restricted & limiting until you have bought it down to your core. You need a savior, you need superman but you don't because you are him, you are it. Keep believing, praying, meditating, I beg you meditate but don't tell anyone else how to do anything because you are nothing more than an ignorant baby until proven otherwise. All your political leaders & educators have only proven to lie, steel, cheat, kidnap, molest, rape, murder, are incestuous & you keep paying them to do it, to you & your children or your neighbors'. Think on that & then stop.

Finally, I promise I will never take more than I need but honestly, I need everything & everyone to make this possible. You all need to get on board & what I mean by that is this, you all have to decide that A) you are willing to fight captivity for freedom. It is life, it is dangerous, it can be scary but it is fucking amazing in every way to be free, I promise. B) you are willing to atone for your own shit. No more running off to confession & thinking that some sexually frustrated, possible child predator is going to absolve you of your sins because of some kind of binding agreement between them & the Lord for you. I am going to start reading the Bible for you so that you can see just how honest they have been but it didn't matter. They simply told you what to think & feel about it all & you have gobbbled it up, bones, poo, pee, dirt & all. That's on you for falling asleep, for being willing to take others words for it like lazy cretins.

Oh, family of mine & Nicks. Who do you think you are? Patriots? Christians? Wise, lol? All I see is a bunch of babies, a couple wolves, all coddling each other, stroking your egos & using the fact that we won't stroke you incestuously back as some kind of vindication for sitting on your piles of shekels, stroking them, counting them, fingering them to make yourselves feel powerful, safe, & the funniest part, wise & benevolent. When we stand at judgment I will stand tall knowing I was always willing to give the shirt off my back if needed while you will cower from your own selfishness. All of this is in the show Lucifer.

Not from anyone else's might but from you're own graven images, your mirrors, your memories, the footage playing for all to see will set you free. Who you were in the light & who you were & are in the dark. That is who we all are, our own personal beasts. Sure, that it's in secret, ignorant to the fact that there are & will never be true secrets. The governments simply functions on the fact that we all agree on the same lies. That's on us, our parents, & their parents.

In my family you have kidnappers, kid assaultors, rapists, liars, tax evasion, watching the men boast as patriots but ignore their calling to fight for real freedom. You all fight & evade every chance to be actual patriots. I have not met a single Christians that knows how to unconditionally love.


Help yourselves & serve each other for no other reason except you can & therefore should, unto poverty, unto death if need be. You aren't here to plunder & play with yer booties without consequence, mateys.


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