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Simon says, "touch your toes." Simon is another name for Peter. Do you know who Peter is? He is one of Jesus' most devoted disciples. He started the catholic church after his friend was crucified by who? Who killed Jesus? I might be killing his legacy but let's review, who actually killed Jesus?

Oh, you did. That has got to be a rough, rough realization, something you'd not want to remember. Memories are funny like that. Guess what, he made all his promises & he kept them & you still aren't waking up. So, who is killing is legacy, me or you?

Meditation is silence. Prayer is actively asking. One is a stillness and one is a verb.
Peter Rabbit. Jesus. Buddha. Simon, Peter, Paul & Mary or is it Marry?

Just read Jesus' words, none of the other babble, just those & you will see, it's all been fulfilled & worse, you broke your promises. You killed, tortured, experimented on, kidnapped, murdered, raped, & sold children & still do. Get online & look it up, people are talking about all the people that like to eat children's meat. Children's meat!!! God damn it! Just because you don't wake up & look doesn't mean it's not there. All the evidence is there. If you sleuths can find a cat murdered turned into a human killer then you can all find out the truth of what I'm saying. Don't F* with Cats.

One of the strangers that helped me along the way was, I'm sure a spy of some sort. I was wracked with DID & fear but I can still know things. He came into my work almost every morning, he asked specifics, with carefully worded questions & was careful with all his answers no matter how casually they were couched. No matter how casually he was couched, lol. Anyway, I know when someone wants to fuck me. I've always known & shame on almost all of you. I don't care that you want to fuck, I don't care that you want to fuck me, guess what? I'm a dominatrix, verified, legally, carefully, thoughtfully I walk people through door number two - life. It's the red pill.

Almost everyone caves before they are through. I've not even started, boy howdy, I would not need anyone's help if I could get the last of myself through the fucking veil. Anyhow, it is scary because they taught us to think it is. They taught our bodies at least. They take them when we are too young to do anything about it or to remember, or know any better, well, they think that & they turn our bodies against us. They tell us what is beautiful, they rub their beauty in our faces, they tell us what's of worth. Dr. Milne, a supposed healer, a woman, a mother. She isn't a very good woman who participates in so many crimes I lost count, was abusive, spoiled, an ignorant little bitch who was my boss in Internal Medicine at the U. One of her comrades and her had me right there, they could have healed me & raised me up but they crushed me under their thumbs like no ones business. I tried going to the police, to HR, to lawyers & I will summarize what one lawyer told me which made me give that fight up.

"I just got off the phone with the head lawyer for the hospital at the U. We have proof one of their surgeons knowingly killed a patient to spite another surgeon & we still might not win the case. Do you really think any of us can help you because you were lied to, forced to commit fraud, sign your name to forged documents, stating funds were being allocated to places we're not really even sure about because the U does not properly staff or manage their offices?" They use everyone that's not in medicine like they are handmaids. It's abuse, neglect, trauma, the stories I could tell & have send shivers up mine and your spines.

I was basically run out of there, literally my supervisor, the biggest ignoramous I have ever had to work with, chased me down the hallway to the elevator as I escaped barely with my life, screaming her fat little head off. Melissa is her name. Do you know how many times that woman threw me under the bus, her & the supervisor before her, Amy K. The woman that sat there & cried because she was going to hand me a promotion that would change my life, if I could bend the knee. If I could take Dr. Milne's constant, disgusting abuse, do a thankless job & get treated more like a slave than indentured servants. I couldn't, sorry, not sorry. I ran out of there literally and cried on the floor at home for three hours afterwards. The industry of teaching medicine is a joke, a horrible, sick one. I sat in on meetings where they joked about the students being sociopathic psychopaths. We had evidence of one being a straight up lying, possibly murderous, sociopath & they made their quips and saved his career because his test scores make them look good.

I was told about sexual assault footage that was erased to protect students, doctors, the boys. I was screamed at by doctors, by Dr. Sarfati who literally threw scalpels & computer hardware at people, at me, because he was only good at one thing, surgery. Otherwise the man is insane, mean, abusive, straight up certifiable & retraumatized me so many times I can't count. Another surgeon, great healers that they are, would lose his mind because I couldn't hear him. I have bilateral, reverse slope hearing loss. Do you know how long it took me to figure that one out, no thanks to anyone else except Voch Rehab. Thank you Heidi, you are my hero all the way.

One day, this doctor is losing his shit because I can't hear him & I finally lose it & yell, "I can't hear you, what do you want me to do, it's a disability!" He blinks like someone slapped him and he literally says, "Oh, you weren't just trying to be annoying?" His wife got diagnosed with MS & I saw a softer side to him so I won't give him the bird even though he deserves it. The way they used my friend, god, it's disgusting, it's abuse. She gained so much weight it has put her health in jeopardy in countless ways but being obese is a judgement, not a medical condition, right? No.

These are your great healers, the ones you worship above your own common sense. These are your heroes you're willing to pay exorbitant rates to & let them, their greed, their egos, control huge aspects of our society in the grossest of ways. They scream, break things, are inconsiderate & boy howdy are they ultimately not a bright bunch. They can't run offices to save their lives. The amount of sheer waste that goes on in that place just because doctors are too rigid to change is a nightmare. The lies they tell about being green are obvious but no one does anything about it. Just ask a janitor. Janitors are our real gate keepers, they should be paid like doctors & heralded as the heroes that they are, making it so you can have surgery in a safe, clean place. Making it so you can work & live, love & laugh in healthy environments. Geez, instead we starve them by keeping them in poverty, we do the same to every bleeding heart type & their children, & call ourselves Christians? Really guys? Not to mention the CRUSADES! Know them by their fruits!!!

Brave wonderful soul fixed my tub today, blessings brother. He gave me a big hug too!


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