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The Truth

This is the podcast, Our Beautiful Minds, produced by the OPC; isn’t it time? I’m Saigim Wylder or you can call me Fox. I want to believe. I want to believe in the human race. So I am coming to you in peace, to tell you my story and how I came to understand the formula to life, how it is the same and different for each of us and how I found the answer to, how do we bring about world peace? We’re going to jump right into the deep end today. 

Do you know who you are? What you are? Alive, yes, but what does that mean? According to Google and the Oxford Dictionary the definition of life is, "the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.”

If life essentially equals change and everyone wants to hold onto life so very badly, why are they so afraid of change? Who doesn’t want it to change? Someone that has it all. Who has it all? The rich and powerful. I personally don’t know anyone who has it all but I imagine if they did they wouldn’t want that to change. Yet, we’re saying that if they achieve not changing then that isn’t life? Remember, we are also saying we need growth and functional activity for life according to that definition. If the rich and powerful keep doing the same thing over and over again can we say they are capable of change? Of growth? And if having it all means not being capable of change, or losing everything, because that’s what changing from having it all could mean, then that means being rich and powerful is not life. I cannot say it any clearer than this.

Also, if we are going to get nit picky, then someone who is sterile, who cannot reproduce, they aren’t alive or what? Are we saying then that if vampirism existed that they are not alive because they are sterile and cannot age, therefore change, and that is what makes them dead? If correct, that is why people assume vampires have no soul. Yet, what is animating them then? In the stories we’re believing the logic that there is this animated creature with all your abilities, memories, and body and we’re worried they have no soul. Then we created the concept of zombies, animated humans, alive, endlessly hungry, defying basic physics and at the very least have agreed to calling them the living dead.

Why? Because they don’t fit our definition of life or because they don’t fit our understanding of life? If you’re confused, it's ok. However, I want to point out that even just two people are going to have a lot to say about these questions, about what it means to be alive. What might you say world? What is life? The ability to reproduce, to change, or is it the ability to interact with others? What if it is simply the ability to interact with others, that’s life. A rock can interact with others or more accurately, others can interact with the rock. 

“Fox, we know it’s not alive, what’s your deal lady? It’s a rock.”

Just hang in here with me, the rock cannot reproduce, just like someone you know, or engage in movement as far as the naked eye can tell but if acted upon, by wind, sun, air, earth, the rock does actually participate  in functional activity whatever the hell that means. Broken down you might find gold, minerals, sulfates, depending on what your definition of a rock is, as in whether you are a scientist or a street urchin, the rock is ultimately organic material. Everything on earth is organic, natural, physical material. If left alone life thrives next to, under, or even inside the rock. The elements, the circumstances, they act on the rock and make it what it ultimately is regardless of whether the rock has thoughts about it or not

The rock is as the rock does and yet we also now know that’s not true Forest Gump. Maybe stupid is, stupid does makes sense out loud but is it true? What is stupid? Is a rock stupid? Is a physically impaired person stupid because they cannot communicate their experience to us? We used to think, yeah, they were. Now we have technology unlocking minds, making it possible for the neurodivergent and physically disfigured to communicate their realities to us and we were so very wrong about them. They were just like us, simply with different limitations.

Amazing poetry, philosophy, empathy, and determination was brewing in all of them all along whether others acknowledged it or not. Is a sterile, neurodivergent person, who cannot perform functional activity, not alive? They cannot reproduce, they cannot function within the societal framework we’ve created. At one time we really thought some mental health diagnosis meant people who can’t grow and develop but we now know they can. They simply had limited resources in which to communicate their experiences to us in order for us to validate, verify, and help regardless of whether their perceptions had any monetary value or not.

What is perception? I’m going to forego using the dictionary again. This time I’m going to tell you what perception means to me. It means how an individual, whatever that individual is, perceives reality. What is reality? Reality we’ve all agreed is the physical world, or is it? Math represents the physical world, it gives us a way to understand reality so why do we also need imaginary numbers thrown in there?

What is imagination anyway? How is it different from a hologram or holodeck, or the matrix which is code? How are our brains different from computers? One is said to be made of inorganic material and the other is made of organic material. Human versus computer. Which one is better? We ultimately say that humans have more of a right to exist than computers. Why, just because they aren’t organic material or because they can’t communicate their perception, their feelings? We are positive they don’t have any.

But we know humans and animals feel and perceive. We and they communicate, we know therefore we are which means we are better than it but not better than animals, right? We all know they are being raised in torturous conditions, slaughtered brutally, and then fed to us in buckets. We don’t stop that. Maybe some of us try but we haven’t stopped it, not at all. We are different from animals, we can build, oh they can too. We can destroy, yeah, there’s that in the natural world too. Um, not a lot of differences except the opposable thumb but there are animals with opposable thumbs and we still think we are better than them.

Why are we better than animals, not because they perceive, not because they feel, not because they have computers in their noggins too, not because they communicate, even in English with sign language or buttons. Look it up. So, is it art that makes human life so valuable? Because humans don’t even agree on what art is or whether it is important, as in necessary for survival. What is art anyway? Expression? We’re back to communicating. Is being alive really about the need to communicate? If that’s so then it makes sense we’re all mostly ok with being holed up in our houses, we still get to facetime and snap chat but you can’t reproduce that way. So, we need communication, we need touch in order to reproduce, we can maybe call those two things eternal laws I think. 

Rocks communicate all sorts of things to us when we know how to look, how to read them, understand them. We can touch them, have feelings about them, use them for magic or metal, or pills. What about water? What is water? H20 right? Why does it respond to shame and joy if it is simply a fluid without life? This has been well documented, look it up, there’s some really cool stuff. Water, we need it to live, we are made out of it, we cleanse with it.

In my mind we have electricity, water, earth or physical matter that can be guided by a set of rules, or codes which are stored, recalled, and used by the brain, our very own supercomputer. We can medically keep a human alive, their electrical impulses are cause and effect communicated via water which is transportation which then deposits code to create movement but that doesn’t mean the person is conscious or aware, or able to function

Someone in a coma could be said to be the living dead. What makes them better than a zombie or even you? For the loved ones of the person in the coma that person means more because they know them, understand them, they have connected with them, therefore they love them. So maybe life is change, sentience with the ability to interact, communicate in a way where we share the same physical space or reality. Like code, we can’t see ourselves unless someone puts technology, a mirror, in front of us. We can only see others, whatever others means. Is code living? Is that why we are so intrigued with it, it serves us but also, we can make it reproduce, function, and function in organic material. We would say that’s a robot with AI code for a brain, or maybe you’d just call it, human?

I do. 

Dun, dun, dun, that’s right. I said it. We are very complex tech. We are organic material put together with code, water, matter, electricity and we value what we share. All the stories are about being able to connect, connect with each other, connect with the universe, with animals, the planet, others. Connect, share, understand, these seem pretty much like universal law at this point, no? If you are following, awesome, if not, no worries, just let my words keep washing over you until you can see it too.

Is this why family, love, and friends are so important, is this why we live? To connect, to plug into something else? To not only have but share your experience? If so, then value is in the connecting, the communicating and sharing. We see this, we feel it but we don’t actually articulate these things as rights. Society is ultimately functioning, changing, reproducing, it is alive in and of itself then. When was it born, why, and has it developed like other life forms? Growth, meaning change, self awareness, and autonomy. If so, then what is the autonomy part about?

“Ohhhh, this is getting scary, exciting, ridiculous, this Fox lady might be onto something or she’s simply got schizophrenia.”

 Are we supposed to self actualize spiritually, away from our fathers and mothers, meaning our gods? When we leave our parents home we don’t have to kill our parents to experience independence, do we? No.

They represent your origins, your premise but not who you are in the end. We all know that a 100 year old man is very different from when he was a one day old infant. What makes him different, both might not be able to get out of bed without help, both might be struggling with their grasp of reality, whatever that is, and both have or either will teach and give you all sorts of shit, literally and figuratively. Yet, we know irrefutably that they are different, changed by time, experience, connections all of which equals what I will call wisdom.  

Then, we die, or so we are told that is what has to happen. It all begins again. What was it all for? What did they do, what was their legacy? What is your legacy? Why do we care about the future if we aren’t in it?  What if we were? Would we be more motivated to fix things? Is that why we’re really scared? Because we all are a little worried we’ll come back to all this, to each other, to ever present suffering, cruelty, bills, debt, selfishness, and fear?

We live our lives based on origin stories. We raise our children and say, hey, be successful. Then we tell them about some of the most successful people in history, Buddha, Jesus, Jane of Arc and on one hand we are saying, go be inspired, be like them. On the other we are missing that we are telling them that even if they achieve this, even if they are perfect, discover enlightenment, truth with a capital T, show us magic, perform miracles, demonstrate what it means to be alive, to grow, to evolve, then we will kill you but hey, you’ll get what later? Eternal life!

But we just sorted it out that life is change, destruction, construction, opposition, pain, unless we “make it.” Unless we arrive, right? To the perfect place, space and time. Still, did we make it and have people to share it with? Do those people love us because of us or because we have stuff to share? Does it matter? Love, given for something is valuable because it was paid for but if you sell it, well, that makes it cheap? How did anyone get through childhood and into adulthood without wanting to kill all adults because of their idiotic, selfish, hypocrisy?

I’m not sure anyone has. That kind of makes us all monsters. We also tend to act like monsters don’t deserve to live even if they fit the criteria we’ve set for them as living creatures and it matches what makes us living and valuable. Well, they are valuable to us, if we know them, right? I mean, they can be valuable to someone else but what that means, what you have been telling me for forty-five years and more is that if someone can’t live on their own and they have no one that understands them enough to love them then they don’t deserve to live? You’ve also been telling me if you approach perfection then we will kill you. You have also been telling me and your kids that perfection is possible, they should strive for it or at least pretend to but really we’re just telling them to hoard whatever they can.

Hoard what you can when you can because it’s dog eat dog out there. Hold onto what you want and love or it will be taken. Because that’s what we’re all doing. We’re all saying that everyone has the right to life unmolested as long as it doesn’t interfere with your plans to chillax. Then we realize none of us can actually chillax indefinitely. I mean, we can live based on the statement, life will thrive if unmolested but let’s review what that actually means. 

We can’t live unmolested. The environment, the elements that you dig at and create with and are made of act on you and affect you. We act on each other. So, acting on something is not the issue. Being acted upon is not the issue. Having sex, that’s not an issue, really. Fuck whoever you want, however you want, with their permission. What this means is that it is being acted upon by other sentient life without permission, without good intentions, that is the problem. Opposition is what causes us to grow, develop, change, qualify ourselves as alive and of value but we avoid it, teach our kids to be afraid of it, to create it for others even if it prevents them from having to deal. 

The day isn’t valuable without the night and we know this. We know that diametrically opposing views, perspectives, placements such as day or night, black or white, smart or dumb are what makes the world go round which is what makes you possible. It is what makes chillaxing so nice. Yet, we tell kids they should only emulate one aspect, the positive, the sun, the light, the good while we tell them there is balance, while we show them destruction and death is necessary. Then we show them we are afraid of it, that we don’t need to accept it. We tell them and show them all this mixed up information and demonstrate just putting your head down and working for success. Working to live, living to grow, to change, in order to what? 


Unless we crack the code for immortal life. The life span of humanity is increasing. Theories abound on how we can accomplish eternal life but have we really thought about what that means? Life without end? Hawking said we cannot prove something because we cannot repeat it indefinitely to see if even time alone changes the outcome and yes, Hawking, we already know that time changes the outcome for everything, organic and inorganic. Therefore, we require change to live, not to die. Eggs are good for you unless they aren’t, doi. 

So, we live with change and growth, communication and connection but we try to change that, we want contentment, pleasure, happiness to be static, right? You want to keep your family, your money, your land, your children, your beliefs, your rituals and traditions, they are so so important and yet, they are details. The devil is in the details. Like leaves on a tree. Life is the entire process of being a seed, growing, producing, and dying. We want all that, just not the pain, which communicates something is wrong and prevents us from dying.

Are you seeing yourself yet? Without pain we could inadvertently die whether we are immortal or not. If we can’t feel the fire burn we can’t remove ourselves to safety. True hunger and thirst is also just a form of communication, it is your machine telling your computer to give it fuel. Plain and simple. Longing, that is pain, maybe the worst kind. Yet, where are the medicines for that? There are only drugs, bandages, not cures, or is there? We just aren’t accepting it even as we see it. The thirst or hunger that communicates need, sustenance, like an oil change. Lubing up the atoms, the matter so all the parts which are just matter in shapes, can work together. That’s what a machine is.

We are machines that need to connect or we have a failure to thrive. We die. We want life, we want to connect, we want to thrive, not just breath, eat, and poop. To connect is all about the power exchange. Working for someone or having someone work for you. Fucking someone or being fucked by someone. The only thing that changes wonder of all wonders intercourse from rape is perspective, just one persons perspective in the situation, or both.

We know there are worse things than death. We know that when people are forced to live for nothing, for no one, and can only expect oppression and abuse, they tend to jump off the boat. They choose to step out of life, out of reality or the physical world or maybe it’s a dream. Maybe when they die they are going back to the real world and this is just a way to figure shit out without causing harm. No matter what, here we are and we have choices to make. Not making choices is the same as making choices. 

We don’t need to go over that again, it’s been done ad nauseam. Actively functioning together is necessary not only for survival but thriving, connecting, finding meaning. Shouldn’t that be considered sacred? Loving, caring, serving, being served? That’s life. Let me say it again. Loving, caring, serving, being served, that is living, that is the whole point. The numbers, the bills taking precedence, that is the matrix. Morals, they are part of a matrix which exists solely on fear of being bad, wrong, a failure. 

We know that falling down is funny because we all do it, we learn from it, it hurts, and it looks goofy but we can help someone get up and dust them off and chuckle because we all do it. We have all pooped our pants. It’s funny because it's true. It’s funny though only when there’s actually empathy. Can you laugh and enjoy their pain, not help them, sure. However, based on what we just learned that is illogical and immoral. We need to connect to survive, why would we jeer at the idea of helping someone up, it's a way to connect instantly, a way to fuel up instantly.

We’ve all felt connections that grow over time and we’ve all felt those instantaneous connections. Connection isn’t something that just comes out of morals and goodness, it comes out of sharing life which includes poop, death and laughing together because everyone has to deal. Everyone. Even if you’re a vampire, guess what, if you drink blood, where is the waste going? If vampires need sustenance then we’re either saying they are such efficient machines they consume without producing waste which is interesting if possible. Or we are saying they still need to take a shit and if they are only eating blood then it’s probably disgusting shit, like new born poop, tarry and gross, hard to wipe, black, and icky.

That’s just logic at play

Does this mean life has to include consumption and waste? Is this why we are saying we exist therefore we can, we can hurt or be hurt, we can kill or be killed. We call it things like collateral damage, for the greater good, so we can call it ok. Unless you are a person that has jumped to the other end of the spectrum and think there’s no killing! Haha, there is always killing. We have all stepped accidently on a bug or killed a deer. Some of us have accidently or even on purpose killed animals and people, ideas and dreams, freedoms and rights. What’s the worst thing to kill? If death is necessary and then by extension killing is necessary why don’t we just tell kids that? Accept it? Try to do as little as possible but acknowledge that shit happens and people die and we don’t really even know what death is.

We are so terrified of the unknown and yet all science and invention is a desire to understand the unknown. We are obsessed with the unknown while being also driven wildly mad by it. Horror movies use the formula of the unknown, the supernatural and spooky. Action movies use the formula of danger, risk, pain, but then triumph making all that worth it. The path known is the path of least resistance, that’s all we know about it. It’s not enough though, we want to understand why it’s not resistant, we want to show others how it can bend and be easy when we think it's hard. Let me try again, we are greedy when we find that path of least resistance, even as we tell everyone to take the path of inspiration which is the path of discovery which means difficulty.

Discovery, that is understanding. When we discover what is the first thing we want to do? Shout it from the rooftops, sing about it, write poetry about it. We share it with those we love and don’t realize that we should be loving everyone, all of life because it is what makes you possible to be loved and to love. It makes the path available to you, to everyone. It cannot be warn away, the path is the human spirit, the thing we fight to preserve. The knowledge, the experience, the understanding, being able to communicate that to others, whoever they are, to share our wisdom. EVERYONE HAS WISDOM TO SHARE. 

We are literally held alive by opposition, resistance, paradox while we are gaslighting ourselves that we don’t want those things. Or even that we need to create them when they are already there in the fabric, the tapestry of life. The fabric of reality is held together by good and evil so if it exists it is also what provides you with breath, with children, with virtue. That means evil is required in order to survive. People don’t love the idea of embracing evil so we came up with another word, a more accurate word. Negative. Negative numbers make up the fabric of our reality. They represent things being taken away, eliminated. Removed from the picture, from life even. It is what makes life precious or is it? 

Life is maybe precious simply because we have potential, potential for change, for healing, for growth, for learning, for loving, all things that might be represented by the positive number lines. We have the potential of having everything forever, if we share it. That is actual legacy, leaving something of yourself behind, a communication regarding reality so we can see what an elephant is, if it's in the room and what that even means. 

Why is this important? Because we don’t teach our kids this and they really actually need this information in order to thrive. We all say we want to be number 1 when we are really saying we crave balance which is zero and not one. If you fold the number line negative ten lines up with positive ten. They cancel each other out and you return to zero. You ground, you have balance for at least a moment, right?

Till the baby cries or the neighbors start breaking into your pantry. Would we get bored if the baby was always happy? If the neighbors were people we trusted and adored? Theoretically some have said yes. However, I’d like to suggest that we’d just be happy if left unmolested to what? Thrive. What is thriving? It is exploring, procreating, understanding, communicating and connecting or sharing which then means we run out of room, resources. That’s what we’re scared of, right? No more resources, no more babies, no more fun?

Yet, you want heaven and you describe it exactly like that, no babies, we are statically happy while we get to know or understand everything forever and maybe even we get to create our own worlds. What would that mean if you could be a god and create your own world and society? Well, we already have, we made games, virtual and physical where we explore that every day. We play with clay, pull it apart and put it back together again. Eternity for endless spirits to have to keep going through tests and trials in order to what? Have heaven, finality, death, the thing we are so crazy to avoid

No more growth? No more change, no more evolution? Wait, I think we want those things. We know we want those things but they require negative numbers. Even imaginary numbers require negative and positive cosigns to communicate what side of balance or perfection we might say we are on. Too much sunlight destroys. Too much night depresses and kills. Well, it changes, it decomposes and recycles whether we want it to or not. We go from living, breathing machines with supercomputers in our craniums to dust that can house seeds, bugs, and flow with water or allow water to flow around or through us. Whatever, semantics.

We’re all saying and doing the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat but we want to find out how to walk around with a perfect blowout without having to work very hard or at all for it. Meaning, we want to look perfect while we overcome and grow, we want to be perfect while we change. What do we want, to change or to remain the same? You decide. The evidence to what the right choice is all around you, it is you. If you’re already perfect, if you’ve already saved yourself or the princess then, what is there left to do with the game of life? Reproduce and do it again? 

If someone does not have a memory, a database, a foundation, a heritage then they don’t learn and grow from there, right? They are babies starting at zero. Yet, if they pop out into a world with a bunch of rules and premises then they don’t really get a chance to start at zero, do they? We have taken that away from them. We are telling them the number line goes up, that getting up is good, that climbing over others is necessary to get there, wherever there is. Then we die and someone else does it again or you do it again, we’re not really sure. So, then what is the value of life if you cannot remember or know who you are or where you’re from? We’d say, find a way, keep swimming. We don’t change the definition or understanding of what life is, we don’t change how we are celebrating it as our understanding of it changes, because we know, teach, and what? Retire and die?

Then what? If kids don’t learn from the perspectives of their parents, their mentors, their instructors, the master makers then they end up just living in the movie Groundhog's Day. Learning, growing, but never able to move out of the moment, out of that time or space, isn’t that what you all want? To have everything and not have to clean up or pay for it and we call that heaven but we don’t call it life? We cling to life but we scoff at others clinging to their ways, their perspectives of life? 

We are ignorant, hypocritical, little niglets. We are the thing we both despise and love, death and life. Decay and growth. Yet, we gas light our little ones and try to tell them that life is about morals, about your code and make them own it, celebrate it, download it, master it. If you’re not a total dick though you get excited when a kid develops further, making more music, wilder, calmer, faster, slower, crazier, or simply just more relatable in a new way. 

Why are we so obsessed with someone else's accomplishments? Someone figures out how to dance in a way that others enjoy watching to the point where they will give the dancer money or food, shelter or gifts, however you want to look at it, say she’s thriving, right. Pursuing her passion, bringing joy to others, adding to the world of dance and then what? We either celebrate that dancer till they die or we forget about them and everything they did and then what was it for?

We all know this and toss and turn at night whether we are conscious of it or not, wondering what will become of all our pain and suffering, all our joys and accomplishments when we’re gone? Some may have even figured out a way to stall dying but if their head can be removed from their bodies, divided by space and time, well, that might be worse than death so why do we think and act like immortality is just good? 

We can all be ended. We all had beginnings. We all want to get out as much as possible from the middle and that means what? Thriving, to say it simply and quickly to communicate. We are only as strong as the weakest link so why do we care so much about the strong and powerful? Why do we act like they are it? If the weak ones are still surviving, or even find a way to be focused on the weakest of us all and not the strongest and the fastest. They are more than fine.

We do though because we want to be like them, not the weak ones. Why? Power. Control. So what makes you less monstrous than a slave owner? You are telling me that you need power and control to enjoy life and to obtain power and control, two things that don’t exist without oppression or surrender. Then I am telling you that you are no better than them. You, whether you are a “white ass cracker” or a “black ass nigger” or a ”crazy person” or the “smartest person,” we are realizing that none of that matters. 

The richest person surrounded by sycophants will not only kill themselves, they will do it in really sad ways, like ODing. We want it all even while we watch people getting it and discovering that life still sucks so they jump. People in the streets with nothing, sometimes they jump but they are more commonly known for just keep plodding along until someone helps them, they get lucky or they gain an advantage by being talented, strong, or smart. None of which they earned but can develop, sure.

So, what do they get from being those things? Having those things means nothing if you exist in a vacuum. While we may be able to refine our talents, they weren’t earned. Discipline, knowledge, they can all be earned, developed. Everyone can participate in that, along with creativity and organization. Being born doesn’t mean you deserve the DNA given to you or the supercomputer in your head regulating your breath and heart beat. Whatever model you’ve been given along with whatever model of meat suit makes all the difference in the world in the matrix but should it. We put value on things, give people things even when that doesn’t help them or anyone else survive or thrive. Not really. 

We have been placing value on things that don’t fundamentally matter for a very long time now. It is like lying, it is lies because it isn’t true whether intentional or not. Lies distort understanding which makes connection harder, makes empathy and therefore loving more difficult and we do less of it. We celebrate it when it’s easy and discard it when it’s not even though we have defined our very existence by opposition and sharing. The struggle is real and it is what makes you real and sharing that struggle and overcoming it, that’s what makes it worth it.

Reality is all that matters because it is all that we perceive yet we are not acknowledging everything we perceive. We are not celebrating it,  developing it, nurturing it, teaching it, we are trying to keep things a certain way, the Christian way or maybe the Buddhist way. Whatever you want to call it but I call it the "right way." That is the lie, that is the distortion, that is the Matrix, the right way. Come on, we absolutely know there is not a "rightway." This doesn’t mean anything goes, we know, even the most criminally insane, that if we want the tub clean we drain the water. If we are in it, or a baby is in it, we don’t throw the individual out with the dirty water afterwards, the water that got dirty to help clean.

It makes no sense to develop and evolve if we can’t show others how also. Why? Because loneliness kills, it disheartens, it disrupts and it hurts. It is communicating that you need something, that you need someone, and yes, we do but the thing you really need, it is already there, it’s in you, it is you.

So, yeah, god can exist without a devil but not without obstacles, without imperfection then, meaning perfection is an illusion and yet, it is so so very important. Why? Because when we strive for something better it fuels our imaginations. Our imaginations make our brains pop out code for ideas, beliefs, teachings, functions, behaviors… If we forget what we have learned, if we throw the baby out with the bathwater then cleaning in the first place doesn’t really matter does it? Because we are cleaning for life and if we are killing then we are cleaning for no reason. It’s not fun, it’s not even logical.

Connection, validation, addition, recycling, evolving, that is the stuff of life, the stuff that makes pain and suffering worth it for everyone. 

What if you found out that Jesus is Lucifer? Because every parent, if they are anchored in a healthy reality, has seen their little precious babies act like little monsters. We are all beasts that crave, need, and hurt. We are learning to reconcile or navigate the path between the two, we have not been told to go out and kill either of them but that’s what we keep doing. It makes no sense. We are killing, mutilating when we can take things apart without doing that. Understand them and recreate them. Whatever we need.

It makes no sense to be upset about someone doing something better than you when all it means is they had more resources, period. Fuel, DNA, energy, will, whatever, they had more of it for a moment and that is all. We take kids and tell them doing things better than everyone else is essential while we tell them that what matters is love. Love, unconditional, not conditional. No one likes being told they can eat if they only eat what you like. 

Serving our children, saving them, teaching them, that’s love. Telling them that they can be perfect in kindness and power and resources and it will still not be enough to thrive, that we’ll get scared and jealous and kill them but they should still do it or pretend to, that’s cruelty, that’s abuse, that’s needless violence whether you want to acknowledge it or not. No wonder religious fruits have been so sour. No wonder there has been so much needless violence begotten at the hands of the “religious.” Blasphemy only exists if you think there is something sacred. 

How can we tell others our imagination is more important than their life? That our ability to have and have while producing nothing of real value is not just ok but ideal. We are all depressed or too self centered and oblivious to be depressed. We are depressed because we’re not having fun. We’re having more sex, eating more calories, wearing cleaner, nicer clothing than ever before but we are all fundamentally fucking miseralbe. Why?!!!!!!!!

Wake up!

Because you aren’t sharing, living, valuing what is of value. You have lost yourselves in your laws, in their ideals, in your perceptions and lost the ability to recognize the shared reality, the truth that no one gets by without help. Christ just wanted us to love and help each other and what have we been doing? Why did we recycle and regurgitate other religions and rituals? We thought we were bringing light and truth to the world, he thought that. He wanted that but people tried to turn it into a static finite thing which is death, which is to be feared genuinely where death, the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another is simply all that life is.

We are in the upside-down because we built it around us. We are controlled by the man and the machine because we allow that. We are slaves because we like to believe we are free even with all the proof in the world that we aren’t. We cannot be until we accept that symbiosis is science and spirit, the dark and light, balance, all that we are. We are all yearning and striving for it! Symbiosis means struggle, awkward, weird, new, unknown, adventure, danger, risk, and instead of preparing our children for that we prepare them with fear and then tell them that all they have to fear is fear itself. Please, please can we stop chasing our tails like a nutty dog.

Let’s acknowledge that all of life is give and take and unless we can find a different way to live outside of that then we have to acknowledge and navigate that, this, what is real, give and take. Your land is my land, my land is yours. Land is land in and of itself. We can live with it or off it. We can hoard it or share it. We can connect or try to wall ourselves off and find ways to sit on piles of gold for what reason? It’s not very comfortable or fun by itself, sitting on a pile of gold that is worthless because no one wants it.

All they want is to thrive, to learn, to grow, to connect. That was Christ’s message. That is my message. There are things worth fighting and dying for. The right to be born into safety, knowledge, and autonomy should obviously be the three things, the trinity of human rights. It represents the teacher, the child, and the spirit which is required for all life. We have endless proof of this and yet we are still talking about all the details, the symptoms as if they are what matters when in actuality you change circumstances and suddenly it means no disease, no starvation, no thirst, no coldness or heat that is too much because we finally acknowledge that we have everything we need right here if we can see it, use it, grow with it, with each other.

Let me put it as simply as possible for the slowest, weakest, lowest IQ. Love is a verb, a verb is action, action is struggle and struggle friends, struggle is change and change is the point, the point we defined for ourselves. Change, not heaven. Change is life, change is growth, is health, is balance, why aren’t we teaching the religion of change? The spirit of change? The law of change? Why aren’t we judging, no, evaluating with the mind of the evolving, of the growing, of the teaching?

Let’s try again. Hi, I’m Fox, I want to believe in the human race. In fact, I believe in life. I believe, unmolested, life will thrive. Here is the problem, we are in World War III but we can’t see it taking place, let’s call that the Matrix. Instead of creating the illusion of battle and bloodshed, instead of putting you in chains, you were put to sleep. First, so you would not fight for your rights and the rights of others. Second, because the war is not so much for you, they already have you in the grips of fear.

While you are comatose they are taking your young, brainwashing them, filling them only with fear and longing and then putting them back in your homes where you lie to their faces and ignore the abuse and neglect. This is the war worth fighting for if there was ever a war worth fighting for, it is for your children’s lives. All children are all your children, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Whether you are too oblivious to realize that or not it does not change reality or the truth.

I have told many of you that not only have I unplugged, not only has Christ come and done everything he said, not only has he returned, not only has all the answers been given to you. I am telling you that we have all the info we currently need to bring about world peace, to save the children but you languish in fear while they write your story over and over again and hide your true identity from you in plain sight. They laugh, feed, and enjoy life and everything in it with essentially eternal memories which makes them feel like they’ve reached life eternal so that our lives are like specs, bugs to them, to be stomped on and devoured at their whim. 

They have been doing it for so long they have even got you doing the abuse, the neglect, their bidding while you teach them about the one they are waiting for, the life that is worth living for, all outside their reach, outside yours. Look for God out there, look for your savior out there, look for joy and happiness out there, outside of yourselves. Meanwhile, to keep you complacent, they show you how you should actually look inside of yourself. They show you every day in commercials, tv, and movies. They tell you your histories, your worth, their secrets and yours, right there on magic boxes that feed your minds, imaginations, and dreams. 

They do all this while you cower in your homes and play games with their imaginary numbers. You choose bills, fear, hunger, thirst, longing, lust all over yourselves, over your children, over your animals and livestock so you can do their will, not yours. You have proof, you are all singing about it, telling stories about it, demonstrating it, all the while you look and look and look for what it is you need, what you want.

It isn’t anywhere, it isn’t in anyone, it has already been done. You can have whatever you want. We now know where the resources are, how to create a stalemate so everyone stops fighting, and we’ve discovered the knowledge was always there waiting for us. It has been a journey, it’s been hard getting here, we’ve been cold, hungry, and scared so it's easy to understand we didn’t notice that the fighting was over imaginary numbers. Giving men credit for discovering what was already there, what already existed, we just needed to realize it, learn how to utilize it, and guess what, share it. We did that as we slaughtered each other along the way.

While we prostituted ourselves and our kids out, literally and figuratively and you’re still doing it. Those of you awake, you are doing it. You’re sitting on your little hoards of gold, for lack of better words, afraid someone will take it from you and there won’t be enough even though we have proven that if done responsibly, there is more than enough. And guess what? The resources aren’t what really even matters. The reasons we need them do, keeping each other alive and able to thrive. 

Also, let me be as clear as I can, like talking to a child. None of you earned them. They were shared with you by all the people that came before us, period. Now we cling to them and contribute nothing to understanding, to true understanding which is only had through sharing. You would not be able to sit on the toilet you do, sleep in the bed that you have, or walk in the shoes you wear if the people before you didn’t take risks and grasp onto courage and each other as they found ways to make the world a better place. Those are the things we should cling to, courage while not pushing the other under the water to stay above but holding onto each other so we can support each other back to safety. 

We are stuck in groundhog's day and we’re totally oblivious but we feel it. We grieve death, the needless violence, the violence inside us, the violence all around us. We bemoan it and pay people to report it to us in stories and lies. We listen, we examine evidence and ignore where it points. We make up characters, figments of our imagination like Sherlock Holmes and he tells us the truth over and over again; regardless of what you think you know if the clues point to the culprit it is probably the culprit, even if it’s pointing at you.

Winds of change guys. The time is now. You have been here before and will be here again unless you break the cycle. You can be who you want but then you get afraid and you give up. If you want to unplug, if you want a hero, a savior then you can either be that person or open your eyes and see others who have said ok, I will step up and be that person. You can’t see it’s you, that’s ok. I do, I’ll tell you, I’ll even let you kill me if that’s what it takes. 

Even animals see it. That we’re the babies in evolution, the slow ones that don’t understand what we are so they have been so patient with us. They could have overcome us so many many times and they are sentient people. The lion is laying with the lamb. It’s all over Tik Tok. Just about all animals have been saying, “ok, we get it on a level that doesn’t even take language or opposable thumbs to get, you’re special but you’ve handicapped yourselves so they don’t want to hit us while we’re down. Not even nature likes doing that. So they don’t get rid of us and our poisonous ways. They wait and love us unconditionally as we torture and devour them.

We do nothing and say it’s ok, we need to eat. Guess what, the food is there and it’s an illusion to some extent anyway. You are just playing with clay and you are too immature to see it. You are a kid that’s being told you’re a grown up and you need to stop using your imagination even though we know that’s not only a lie it is fatal to our kind. So even while we tell others to stop using their imaginations we use ours in secret. We do it in silence so there are the songs that people will never hear or sing. Stories voices never share. It is the sound of silent screaming because there is magic everywhere and we are refusing to acknowledge it which doesn’t make it go away. 

Like electricity, it is just going to go haywire until we remember it, who we are and what that all means. Everyone refuses to wield it even as they try. We dream and dress up as fiction that is actually true. We basically cry and kill ourselves over principles you can easily teach on Sesame Street.

I’m sorry but it is true. I’m sorry it hurts your pride and sensibilities but guess what, once you shake that off you will realize I’m telling the truth. You will look around and realize not only are we at war but we have always been. Not with anyone but with ourselves, our ignorance, our amnesia. We have been making monsters where there are none and pretending life is monstrous and fighting it even as we cling to it so fiercely we are killing it.


Wow, it’s embarrassing.

You are sitting with dinner on your lap, with all your stuffing around your bones to keep you warm, and there is a starving baby next to you and all you have to do is pick it up and feed it your left overs. That’s all and you’ve won the war but you are too scared to do that and that is sad, that is the tragedy, that is the awful truth. The truth professor, the truth with a capital T is this, the tragic, morbid comedy is that because you can’t destroy what is, you can only distort it, reorganize it, disguise it.

Hey, it’s good news. You just don’t realize it yet. It’s easy, you’re just so afraid you can’t hear me. You can’t see me. I am here. I am ready to love you, to accept you. To teach you. To give it to you for free. What more can you be offered? You have been given miracle after miracle, sign after sign, story and prophecy one after another and you’re the one that chooses to age, to suffer really, to cause suffering, waiting for a groundhog to tell you if it is cold or not or something else entirely. Waiting with bated breath, scoffing at each other for doing the same thing for entire lifetimes.

Keep going or don’t. I don’t care. You will either get or you won’t and the best part is this. You have been getting it, regardless of what you do to each other, you’re waking up. You can’t help it, it’s cute. Good job, keep it up, however, if you want to cure cancer, help someone you love, save a kid, I’m telling you how. I’m even telling you it’s easy and free and you can do it pretty quickly and it doesn’t matter if you get hurt along the way.

What more can be said? Yet, I will keep saying it however I can. I will try to reparent you, I will try to love you as I always have and always will regardless of how much it hurts because it’s worth it to see babies smile for the first time or when they take you out for that fancy meal because they made it and want to share. It’s worth it, joy and sharing, connecting, saving each other with kindness, it’s super worth it. 

I am angry. It’s justified. I’m tired, it’s been forever, what more can I say. I hurt because it hurts to see that which is beautiful and beloved be mutilated and scoffed at for eternity. I am here when you’re ready. I keep telling you all over and over again. I am here, he is here, she is here, you are here, it’s all here, it’s all possible, so I ask, what will it take, what do you want? 

All you have to do is notice, you’ve got this, it’s out there, you just have to wake up, acknowledge it and utilize it. That’s all, easy peasy, no big squeezy.

Kisses, chow, peace, aloha. 

What is experience if you can have it being mute, deaf, blind, and a low IQ?


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