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The Truth about Slavery

  1. How to Kill a Mocking Bird - a classic tale

  2. History of slavery

    1. Who were the real slavers? The Portuguese. Why? Because of greed, money, power, and commerce.

    2. There was indentured servants first in America, Europ. Free black people came over here same as everyone and helped settle this land, stealing it from the Native American people along the way.

    3. So, why did slavery become a thing, huh? How did that happen right after the great US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence was drafted by such geniuses? See three again?

      1. Because they were white men from the 1%, they were slave owners, rapists, child abusive ass hats just like you and I. I'm sorry, they obviously knew as much or more than me so they knew the code and they didn't tell us so obviously they were oppressors and they wanted to figure out how to oppress, how to breed their seed with ours while they looked down at us and left us for dead over and over again, so they did some work. They came up with the lesser of the evils as far as governments go. Pick your poison they were told, so they did.

I don't see slaves, I see gods thinking they are mud people, gods who think they have to atone for killing each other. I see that because all they have to do is believe the facts, believe their own stories to know that they can melt those mother fucking chains to the ground any time they want. So why didn't they?

They are All Your Children


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