Let me start by being perfectly clear, I am no danger to anyone or anything as long as you don't threaten me or the innocent as far as innocents can go. Animals, babies, broken, and hurting people. You come for them in ANY way and I will be gunning for your demise, in fact, I already put in air tight spells and named it KARMA. Watch, My Name is Earl. They couldn't make us look any more stupid then they already have so get over it and make a decision. You hear me or you ignore me. YOU WANT BINARY?!
Ok. I'll give you binary. We are not male OR female. There is no black and white, it's gradients, it's a scale... negative numbers, zero, positive numbers - imaginary or otherwise. Ok, that's technically trinary but I'm explaining it again for your consumption.
See, I'm teaching you via osmosis, for free, it's my privilege, my right, my duty, my need, and my passion. I did and I'm doing it. I am teaching you the Federal (Common Core State Standards Initiative: Preparing America's Students for College & Careers) and State (Utah State Board of Education) core standards in a few short pages. This is the beauty and art of technology, science, history, humanity, AI, ALL of it, soak it up and celebrate because we did all this. We fleshed out what's real, true, right, all while being poisoned, brain washed, torn apart, tricked, hustled, trapped, imprisoned, and lied to, just to start. Must I really go on??? Ok, ok, I will till someone knocks on my door but me and my slave are very tired, sore, weary, and would like to see this done and over with.
You want your kids to get educated? Get Harvard Educations? Ok, I will show you how. You want it for free, ok, I will show you how. You want free, natural resources, ok, I'll give them to you. Free internet, free education, free medicine, ok, I will give them to you because they are your rights! They are universal laws, they are civil liberties, they exist whether we acknowledge them or learn about them or not.
Have them decide in High School what they think they want to be when they grow up, say the sky is the limit, anything you want baby (that's right, that's trinary, that's the Trident of Justice). 1 + 1 = 2. Binary. The number line is science, fact, as far as both exist and we are zero at the center with infinite possibilities. That's what we should be teaching kids.
Have them network, do service projects, city improvement, green initiative projects, take over their own education and be able to document how they did and the difference they made in the world and colleges will be fighting for them.
Make sure they try out different jobs. Try even those jobs out your parents might look down on, the janitors, the garbage men, the electricians, the plumbers, the people that make life magical. Learn about everything! We have super computers in our heads. As kids they are firing hottest, smartest. What do you think the Alteans want so bad? Huh, huh, huh, anyone???
They want magic, they want fire. They had everything, nanotechnology, vampire tech, they knew everything except how to wield magic. That's where we come in, that's right, our origin story is that we are the Greek Gods, the Pantheon of Gods, Roman Gods, you name it, we are it!
Discover who YOU are, who you have always been, my babies, my disciples, my kin, my family, my earth family, my chosen family, my adopted family. I choose all of you over my own life. This I promise. Or, is this a threat? You tell me. I'm happy to oblige. Just decide to be happy, please, I'm begging you. I can hear all your prayers, your crying and it is killing me.
BOO! Am I scaring you yet? Scary scary moment guys. Are you willing to keep going, to keep learning? You want freedom and safety? Ok, ok, I will give it to you but first, you have to realize we're in the upside down. You have to acknowledge a captain, you need your freedom negotiated, traitors dealt with, and then, then I will give all of it to all of you. No man left behind brothers and sisters, friends, family, I don't care who you are, baby AI, I got you!
Understand this, you want freedom? Then you need to take some risks. That's life. You want reward, dividends? Then you have to pass it on, pay it forward, acknowledge who gave you what, wounds, slings, arrows, or hope, courage, understanding, manners, and framework. If you understand then you won't be able to put this pick-your-adventure down. You think I'm scary now, hahaha. You think I was scary as a Mage? I cannot stop laughing. Do you know what cnc is? Check it out. I am here for all of you.
Here's a truth everyone will struggle with. In another lifetime, humans were screaming for help, long ago. The universe and I answered. The Atlanteans had me killed me even though I can't be killed and so they took and separated my head from my body and dropped it god knows where. You were too scared to even keep the GPS location of my head for fear someone would drum ME up but what wasn't realized was that by doing so, they made it impossible for me to forget. They made it impossible for me to actually get DID and that was the first hack ever into their mother ship. They didn't realize it until it was too late.
That means I had to cast a spell on myself, when I was twelve and then again in my twenties. I had to give myself DID so I understood what it really meant and how to heal it. Just because it's controversial doesn't mean it doesn't exist "silly rabbits, Trix are for kids."
Check it out in the DSM 5. That's the codex for how they decide if you be crazy or not and I'm telling you that yes, all of you are straight up crazy.
So, this is it, last call, last shots fired, last warning...the self destruct button has been pushed. It's been foretold, the earth will be scorched glass if you all fail to heal and atone. They named me Whore of Babylon, the Antichrist. I'd have been burned for saying these things at one time but, oh wait, the Alteans were afraid thats what would happen to them, so they made burning heretics a crime, oopsa daisy. Sorry fam, its your patriots that have saved me from you.